On February 2nd, 2024, Malta-Stillwater Paramedic Scott McNeff responded to a report of a subject through the ice on Round Lake. Arriving first on scene, McNeff and his ambulance partner recognized that the local ice fisherman who had fallen through a weak area in the ice some 30 minutes earlier was in trouble and not likely to stay above the surface for much longer.  With years of ice rescue experience as a Rescue Squad Lieutenant in the City of Troy, McNeff made a calculated risk-benefit decision. With ice cracking underneath him, he skillfully crawled out to the victim, threw the man a rope and secured him until the arrival others who assisted in completing the rescue. Subsequently arriving rescuers from the Round Lake Fire Department and DEC assisted McNeff with pulling the victim to safety.  Presenting with a core body temperature of 94 degrees F, the victim was warmed and transported, and able to make a complete recovery. For his quick thinking, rescue skill set, and willingness to take a calculated personal risk in order to save a life, Scott McNeff is awarded the Advanced Life Support Provider of the Year.